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Results 1 to 25 of 2047

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Cécilia Claeys-Mekdade, une sociologue face à l'interdisciplinarité : éloge du doute méthodologique = Cecilia claeys-mekdade, a sociologist considers interdisciplinarity : in praise of methodological doubtCLAEYS-MEKDADE, Cécilia; PIVOT, Agnès.Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge). 2005, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 189-193, issn 1240-1307, 5 p.Article

Making Sense of Digital Traces: An Activity Theory Driven Ontological ApproachKARANASIOS, Stan; THAKKER, Dhavalkumar; LAU, Lydia et al.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2013, Vol 64, Num 12, pp 2452-2467, issn 1532-2882, 16 p.Article

Canevas pour une réflexion sur une interdisciplinarité entre sciences de la nature et sciences sociales = Developing interdisciplinarity between the natural and the social sciences : guidelines for reflectionJOLLIVET, Marcel; LEGAY, Jean-Marie.Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge). 2005, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 184-188, issn 1240-1307, 5 p.Article

Dossier interdisciplinarité : « Évaluer les pratiques interdisciplinaires » = Interdisciplinarity in debate (continued) Assessing interdisciplinary practiceJOULIAN, Frédéric; DE CHEVEIGNE, Suzanne; LE MAREC, Joëlle et al.Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge). 2005, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 284-290, issn 1240-1307, 7 p.Article

What Is Robotics? An Interdisciplinary Field Is Getting Even More DiverseBIRK, Andreas.IEEE robotics & automation magazine. 2011, Vol 18, Num 4, pp 94-95, issn 1070-9932, 2 p.Article

Dossier interdisciplinarité Philosophie et sciences du complexe : dialogue sur les « discontinuités » = Philosophy and the sciences of complexity : dialoguing on discontinuitiesVARENNE, Franck.Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge). 2005, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 291-295, issn 1240-1307, 5 p.Article

Social Tagging in the Scholarly WorldCHEN XU; BENJIANG MA; XIAOHONG CHEN et al.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2013, Vol 64, Num 10, pp 2045-2057, issn 1532-2882, 13 p.Article

Survey reveals interdisciplinarity of MSE facultyBANERJEE, Parag; BRIBER, Robert M.MRS bulletin. 2012, Vol 37, Num 6, pp 541-542, issn 0883-7694, 2 p.Article

Information and Ontologies: Challenges in Scaling Knowledge for DevelopmentSEDDON, Jessica; SRINIVASAN, Ramesh.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2014, Vol 65, Num 6, pp 1124-1133, issn 2330-1635, 10 p.Article

Construction of a terminological interdisciplinary thesaurusANZALDI, C; BORDONI, L; SANO, A et al.International congress on terminology and knowledge engineering. 1996, pp 273-278, isbn 3-88672-207-4Conference Paper

Doctoral dissertations of CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram: A studySUMA, S; PILLAI SUDHIER, K. G.Annals of library and information studies. 2013, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 71-77, issn 0972-5423, 7 p.Article

Revisiting Ontologies: A Necessary ClarificationBARCELLOS ALMEIDA, Mauricio.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2013, Vol 64, Num 8, pp 1682-1693, issn 1532-2882, 12 p.Article

Le statut de la modélisation dans une démarche interdisciplinaire = The status of modelling in an interdisciplinary approachLALOË, F.Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge). 1999, Vol 7, Num 4, pp 5-13, issn 1240-1307Article

El enfoque interdisciplinario en los estudios del discursoGONZALEZ REYNA, María Susana.Desacatos. 2013, Num 43, pp 101-108, issn 1607-050X, 8 p.Article

Modélisation et interdisciplinarité (Six disciplines en quête d'épistémologie)Mathieu, Nicole; Schmid, Anne-Françoise.Indisciplines. 2014, isbn 978-2-7592-2138-7, 1Vol, 348 p., isbn 978-2-7592-2138-7Book

Natural resource management: The need for interdisciplinary collaborationEWEL, Katherine C.Ecosystems (New York, NY. Print). 2001, Vol 4, Num 8, pp 716-722, issn 1432-9840Article

Philosophy and Information StudiesFURNER, Jonathan.Annual review of information science and technology. 2010, Vol 44, pp 161-200, issn 0066-4200, 40 p.Article

An interdisciplinary, interdepartmental control systems laboratory the advantages of college-wide labs : Innovation in undergraduate education: Part IIALLEYNE, Andrew G; BLOCK, Daniel J; MEYN, Sean P et al.IEEE control systems. 2005, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 50-55, issn 1066-033X, 6 p.Article

QUELLE INTERDISCIPLINARITÉ POUR LES « HUMANITÉS NUMÉRIQUES » ? = Are digital humanities interdisciplinary? Present, past and futureBENEL, Aurélien.Les Cahiers du numérique. 2014, Vol 10, Num 4, pp 103-132, issn 1622-1494, 30 p.Article

Rapid Understanding of Scientific Paper Collections: Integrating Statistics, Text Analytics, and VisualizationDUNNE, Cody; SHNEIDERMAN, Ben; GOVE, Robert et al.Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print). 2012, Vol 63, Num 12, pp 2351-2369, issn 1532-2882, 19 p.Article

Gérer l'interdisciplinarité dès l'annonce du diagnostic : Maladie de ParkinsonVIALLET, François.Concours médical (Paris). 2010, Vol 132, Num 19-20, pp 815-816, issn 0010-5309, 2 p.Article

Transdisciplinary Research for a Sustainable Agriculture and Food SectorFRANCIS, C. A; LIEBLEIN, G; BRELAND, T. A et al.Agronomy journal (Print). 2008, Vol 100, Num 3, pp 771-776, issn 0002-1962, 6 p.Article

Creating a science of the webBERNERS-LEE, Tim; HALL, Wendy; HENDLER, James et al.Science (Washington, D.C.). 2006, Vol 313, Num 5788, pp 769-771, issn 0036-8075, 3 p.Article

Securing the future of nutritional sciences through integrative graduate educationALLEN, Lindsay H; BENTLEY, Margaret E; DONOVAN, Sharon M et al.The Journal of nutrition. 2002, Vol 132, Num 4, pp 779-784, issn 0022-3166Article

À la recherche de l'interdisciplinarité = Towards interdisciplinarityCALENGE, Bertrand.Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (Imprimé). 2002, Vol 47, Num 4, pp 5-13, issn 0006-2006Article

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